Saturday, 23 May 2015

The “Section 151 Officer” Council Tax and Fraudulent Accounting. A Must Read.

The “Section 151 Officer” Council Tax and Fraudulent Accounting. 
By John Hurst. May 2015.
This essay covers research done by a layman to accounting and is a work in progress concerning the activities of “Section 151 Officers”.

Investigations into an international scheme to standardise “Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports” began in the US some 15 years ago. 

A 15 minute Youtube video titled  “The CAFR Swindle - The Biggest Game In Town” watch HERE is a good place to begin your investigations.  Jerry Day, the presenter, summarises the situation like this:

"Taxes are no longer necessary ".
This video exposes a deliberate and massive swindle that is perpetrated by every government agency from your local school district all the way up to the Federal government. 

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Confessions Of An Ex TV Licence Enforcement Officer

                                        A CONFESSION AND AN APOLOGY. 

Some years ago I worked as a TV Licensing Enforcement Officer (EO).  What follows is advice and information from the inside for the benefit of the wider community.  
When a TV License ‘Visiting Officer’ calls at an address where there is no record of a license, He/She has several objectives. 

The first is database cleansing.  There are so many corrupt entries on their database of 27 Million addresses that they will never properly clean it.