Sunday 31 August 2014

Rotherham: the real scandal is much wider

There will be more tragedies unless politicians face the truth
Some police seem to have become unquestioning accomplices of a cruel system
Some police seem to have become unquestioning accomplices of a cruel system Photo: EPA
Barely credible though we have all found the avalanche of revelations about what had been going on in Rotherham for 16 years, they reflect only one part of what has become the most horrifying scandal in modern Britain. As was documented in Easy Meat, a report earlier this year from the Law and Freedom Foundation, similar tragedies have long been unfolding in towns and cities across the land, where, with the full connivance of social workers and the police, the criminal abuse of underage girls, many in state “care”, has been organised by largely Pakistani gangs of men on an industrial scale. It has then been systematically covered up by the very people who have allowed and even encouraged this to happen: council officials, police and politicians. 
If this report is right in criticising how blame has too often in the past been ascribed just to “Asians”, it is itself too casual in blaming Islam or even Pakistanis in general. Part of the problem is that many of the culprits are of Pashtun tribal stock from Kashmir, regarded as “trouble” even by many Muslims and Pakistanis.
But this particular tragedy is only one of three different legs making up a very much larger scandal. This is how our politicians have allowed our entire “child protection” system to career off the rails. The second leg of this scandal can be seen in all those familiar horror stories in which some child, such as Baby P, has eventually met with an awful death, despite social workers, police and other agencies having long known of the child’s maltreatment without taking any action.

How many times have we then seen some semi-whitewashing report, urging that “lessons must be learnt”, and leaving the dysfunctional system to carry on much as before?
Clockwise from top left: Umar Razaq , Razwan Razaq, Mohsin Khan, Adil Hussain and Zafran Ramzan, from Rotherham, found guilty in 2010 of a series of sexually related offences against underage girls
The third leg of this scandal, which I have long been writing about in this column, is how, rather than failing to intervene when necessary, the social workers, with full support from the police and the courts, are now also taking record numbers of children into state “care” for what too often appear to be inadequate or even blatantly fabricated reasons.

This can be just as much a crime against humanity and a travesty of justice as what we’ve been learning about in Rotherham; not least because, as I hear in new cases every week, children unhappily removed from loving families are often subjected, while in “care”, to abuse that is much worse than anything alleged against their parents.
When, last week, I was asked by my editor “how can we hope to see this mess cleared up?”, I could only reply pessimistically that the whole culture of our “child protection” system has become so corrupted that it is hard to see how it can ever be returned to some semblance of decency and humanity. The “good” social workers of old have largely been driven out, to be replaced by heartless, jargon-spouting zealots who are the last people who should be involved in the life of any family. Few things have shocked me more than the way the police have become such unquestioning accomplices of this cruel system.

There may be a glimmer of hope in the realisation by Lord Justice Munby, our top family court judge, that some start can be made on clearing out the Augean stables by exposing more of the work of those ultra-secretive courts to public scrutiny.
However, the ultimate responsibility for all this must lie with the politicians whose laws set up this system, but who have since turned their backs on how the system has made such a mockery of the high-minded intent that lay behind those laws.
Two years ago I reported on how Simon Danczuk, the Labour MP for Rochdale, disclosed in the Commons something of the horrors that had been going on in his constituency, where social workers had encouraged the mass-rape of underage girls in “care”, on the grounds that it was merely their “life choice” to become prostitutes.

Not one of the many MPs who spoke in that long debate, including two ministers, picked up on what he had said, as, one after another, they applauded a new government move to speed up the number of children being taken into “care”.
Until a great many more MPs are prepared to join Mr Danczuk and the admirable John Hemming in getting seriously engaged with this issue, this terrifying tragedy, in all its different manifestations, will continue.

Friday 29 August 2014

Family set to become Derby’s first ‘bedroom tax’ evictions

By Chris Mallett
  • David Cameron's so-called "bedroom tax" means Derby mum Renleigh Anderson is facing eviction from her home.
  • Derby District Judge David Douce said Miss Anderson had advanced no valid legal argument for not issuing a repossession order.
  • Derby's Council House
Comments (72)        
A TEARFUL mum-of-two has told how she will be homeless after becoming the first person in Derby to be evicted because of the so-called bedroom tax.
Renleigh Anderson, 28, has more than £800 of rent arrears because, she says, the Government’s under-occupancy rules have left her without enough housing benefit to pay rent.
Now she will be evicted and is frightened about what it could mean for her and her children.
The single mum said: “It’s devastating, especially when I felt so close to getting my life back on track.

Thursday 28 August 2014



In an interview which can be viewed in full here the Cnut Clegg says "  Shaun Wright should do 'decent thing' and resign " over Rotherham

The Hypocritical Bastard.

Remember him being faced up to by Bill Maloney ?

Well watch this video as a reminder.

Monday 25 August 2014

FROM THE HORSE’s mouth: survivor of ritual satanic abuse and informant of paedo network

FROM THE HORSE’s mouth: survivor of ritual satanic abuse and informant of paedo network

The original of this blog post is in Spanish and refers to a list of victims and accused from a book in English. We are talking about Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) which is too shocking to imagine and thus as un-believable as institutionalised child snatching and organised child sexual abuse that the national inquiry is supposed to address.
The list has been compiled by a survivor of satanic ritual abuse and a member of a paedo network who decided to confess. Both are in touch with the Ritual Abuse Information Network & Support (RAINS).
The list comprises big and little names: politicians, journalists, doctors, police, celebrities…
Breathe deeply as you are trying to absorb the account of a survivor of abuse who has ‘dissociative identity disorder’, i.e. a personality split into a number of ‘alters’ as a consequence of the experiences, besides the stories of deniers of rape and abuse.
Among the names described in detail:

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Muslims demand breakaway Islamic nation in Norway or another 9/11 threatened.

norway Islam copy

In what is probably the most viciously antisemitic country in that region (and it’s a stiff competition), Norway is getting a taste of what it imported and supported.

David Cameron " Nothing Matters More Than Family. " Lying Bastard

Families are the basis of society and deserve more support, David Cameron will say as he unveils new plans to help couples stay together.

Monday 18 August 2014

Paedophile at centre of historical abuse inquiry ‘visited children’s homes around Britain and took boys out’ before advising Home Office on child care system

‘A notorious paedophile visited children’s homes around Britain before advising the Home Office on reform of the child care system, it emerged today.

Saturday 16 August 2014

Child abuse scandal raises disturbing questions about UK establishment

AFP Photo / Carl Court
Britain has been known for many things, from being the bullies of the world, to its language, pop music, film and drama.

But as Churchill’s “finest hour” in World War II fades to a distant memory and proud post-war industries have been dismantled, one scandal has come to sum up everything that has turned our so-called leaders sour.

The UK’s child abuse scandal, rooted in the media, Westminster and the Royal Family and personified by serial abuser and BBC personality Jimmy Savile, has been shocking enough. But far more insulting to the victims, the nation and the world is the Cameron government’s attempt, in early July, to institute two separate child abuse inquiries led by establishment figures who, due to family and work connections, immediately faced suspicions of possible conflicts of interest.
File photograph shows disgraced British entertainer Jimmy Savile (Reuters / Paul Hackett)
File photograph shows disgraced British entertainer Jimmy Savile (Reuters / Paul Hackett)

This is a side to human nature which it suits most of us to think does not even exist. Those that sexually abuse defenseless children hope that few police, journalists or, ultimately, readers and viewers, have the stomach to scrutinize the depths of their depravity. Abusers also know the last thing most victims want to do is to relive their abuse by giving evidence in a courtroom. They appear to be protected by the intelligence services, who keep an eye on anyone who might expose them, and have the resources to engage the most expensive lawyers and spike any rumors.

Much of the hard graft of unearthing recent evidence of historical abuse has been down to a little known “old school” London news agency. Exaro News has shown the rest of the London media up with their simple mission to expose wrongdoing. Their fearless pursuit of these criminals, particularly at the notorious Elm Guest House in southwest London, carries on despite a general lethargy by the police.

However well Exaro can stand these stories up, nervous national newspaper editors seem too often reluctant to print what a self-respecting press should, to launch the odd torpedo at the establishment battleship.

The response of the London press to the latest Westminster abuse revelations has for the most part been to look the other way. As they did the first time round, when another tiny outfit, Simon Regan’s Scallywag magazine, was sunk without a trace for daring to dish the dirt in the 1980s and 1990s. Crucial unasked questions now are whether either of these latest enquiries announced by Home Secretary Theresa May into state-sanctioned child abuse are likely to attract the trust and cooperation of even a single victim.

2 child abuse inquiries, both set up to fail

An extraordinary admission was made by the Home Office's top civil servant, Mark Sedwill, on Saturday July 5, that his department had “lost” 114 files relating to Westminster child abuse investigations handed to them in the 1980s by Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens. The files allegedly included allegations against more than 10 current and retired politicians.

The next day former Tory party chairman, cabinet minister and survivor of the 1984 IRA Brighton bomb, Sir Norman Tebbit, confessed on TV that there "may well have been" a political cover-up of child sex abuse in the 1980s. He explained: "People thought that the establishment was to be protected." On Monday July 7, Home Secretary Theresa May announced two national inquiries into allegations of child abuse linked to Westminster.

The first inquiry was, conveniently, slated to deliver its report after the May 2015 general election but this one lasted less than a week before it was revealed to the public, though May already knew that the enquiry's head, Lady Elizabeth Butler-Sloss's late brother Sir Michael Havers was Attorney General when Geoffrey Dickens' allegations were made, and covered up. Even without that, her previous selection as inquest coroner in the death of Princess Diana, a role she also relinquished, should have made her connections with the establishment so tight as to have taken her out of the running.

Tapped by May to head the second inquiry into the police losing the evidence, due to report mid-September, is Sir Peter Wanless. He is the chief executive of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), a national charity for which Britain’s most prolific pedophile, Jimmy Savile, was one of the most high-profile “fundraisers.”

Post-Savile, no organization is beyond reproach. It has become clear that organizations like the NSPCC have actually been the perfect “hiding place” for nests of abusers. NSPCC also runs the national Childline support phone service for the abused which some believe may also have been compromised.
British Home Secretary Theresa May (AFP Photo / Carl Court)
British Home Secretary Theresa May (AFP Photo / Carl Court)

Before his latest role at the NSPCC, Wanless was a “highly respected” civil servant, permanent secretary to cabinet minister Michael Portillo during the 1990s when Portillo was Chief Secretary to the Treasury, and crossing departments with him when Portillo became Secretary of State for Employment. Again – an establishment civil servant investigating his own. A recipe for a cover-up.
More serious, though, are the persistent rumors about Wanless' close friend and confidant Michael Portillo, now like Savile, a BBC TV personality, being allegedly involved in a Westminster sex scandal himself. Rumors circulated in 1994 that Portillo and another Tory Secretary of State, Peter Lilley, had got sexually involved with Britain's first openly gay footballer, Justin Fashanu.

Unfortunately for the two secretaries of state though, a disgruntled Fashanu supposedly decided to “blow the lid,” threatening to “bring down the government” by leaking evidence of these affairs to the Daily Express. When MI5 allegedly threatened Fashanu, Tory MP Stephen Milligan, a part-time journalist, is said to have weighed in on the footballer's behalf on a mission to get to the bottom of it all and “clean up the Tory party.”

Within days, however, Milligan was found hanged in his London flat, naked, with an orange in his mouth in an apparent suicide, made to look like he was a sexual deviant. Fashanu was swiftly sacked by his football club and got on the first flight to the United States. Several years later Fashanu was also tragically found hanged, this time in a garage in Shoreditch, London.

Whether or not there is any truth to the original allegations, the mysterious deaths surrounding them should have prohibited any senior civil servant associated with Portillo from taking up a job heading the NSPCC, and totally exclude Wanless from heading any inquiry into the Whitehall child abuse scandal. Would anybody who has been abused, or with evidence of abuse, and is capable of doing an internet search, be likely to confide in him?

Journalist Phil Frampton has pointed out these and other flaws in May’s fanfare announcement of 7th July, explaining in an open letter signed by 28 child protection professionals to May: “The chair of this inquiry will need fearlessness, to be prepared to challenge the authorities and to ask and get answers to very difficult questions. This is a role that can only be undertaken by someone clearly seen as outside the establishment.”

Rather than simply “cursing the darkness” of the Home Secretary’s perverse appointments, Frampton has suggested Michael Mansfield QC to replace Butler-Sloss on the leaderless first inquiry. He, along with the “revised Terms of Reference” Frampton suggests, “is the only way to secure justice for survivors and protection of our children.” Mansfield, who represented the Al Fayed family at Princess Diana's inquest, is both sufficiently qualified and, crucially, far more likely to be trusted by the abused.

Blackmailing politicians in Brussels and London

Perhaps child abuse is sanctioned at high levels simply because the ease of blackmailing those involved suits the security services, bankers, royalty and others behind the scenes that want weak, pliable politicians? If that's so, it’s no surprise then that Brussels, one of modern Europe's other main centers of power, has also been the scene of the most horrendous child abuse.
Back in 1996, the arrest of Marc Dutroux in Belgium eventually led, eight years later, to his 2004 trial for the murder of four young girls he had imprisoned as sex slaves for the rich and powerful. The Dutroux scandal has many of the characteristics of the Westminster scandal: A judicial cover-up, initial reluctance of the press to take it seriously, persistent police inaction and diligent police officers being inexplicably removed from the case.

Only Belgium's biggest-ever anti-paedophile public protest of 300,000 people in October 1996 appeared to concentrate the minds of the Belgian establishment to actually do something. Exactly the same perversions of the course of justice have been seen in several child abuse inquiries in the UK, including the Jersey inquiry where campaigning Senator Stuart Syvret and police chief Lenny Harper were both removed from their posts.
Senator Stuart Syvret (AFP Photo / Leon Neal)
Senator Stuart Syvret (AFP Photo / Leon Neal)

In London, though, the present child abuse lies are just part of the furniture. Scattered in disarray around Downing Street you’ll find Afghanistan lies, Iraq lies and Libya lies, not to mention the daily racist lies of Islamaphobia making a bid to rival Hitler’s hatred of the Jews.

As the late Nicol Williamson, playing King Arthur's magician Merlin in John Bormann’s 1981 feature film “Excalibur” put it, “It must be truth. When a man lies, he murders a part of the world.” These constant lies also have the effect of smashing national morale and disengaging most of the population from the entire political process. Lowering voter expectations and making the population much easier to manage in a “soft fascist” kind of way.

May’s Britain is recognized up and down the nation and around the world as introducing some of the most brutal policies imaginable, punishing disabled people for the crimes of the bankers, sending innocent British Muslims off to rot in US jails. Coalition Britain is exhibiting all the worst signs of misrule, of a dying empire in denial.

One figure you won't find stalking the Downing Street corridors any more though is Prime Minister David Cameron’s deputy head of policy, Patrick Rock. Despite having worked as a top Brussels civil servant for many years and being put in charge of the coalition government's internet child porn filter, he was arrested earlier this year and charged with three offences of making child abuse images and one of possession of 62 child pornography pictures.

Downing Street kept Rock’s initial arrest secret, though, for several weeks, while a political counter-story was prepared about the opposition Labour party deputy leader Harriet Harman historically belonging to the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE). This effectively “softened the political blow” of the far more serious Downing Street child porn arrest story.

More recently it transpired that PIE was given offices under the Tories actually within the Home Office itself and that PIE also got substantial funding from the Metropolitan police Special Branch (MI5). This obsession, not with striking the root of the Whitehall abusers, but with spinning the stories as far away from the Tory party as possible, characterizes the entire Westminster abuse scandal since the 1980s.

As West German rock band Propaganda thundered out in the chorus of their 1985 hit, “Duel”: “The first cut won’t hurt at all. The second only makes you wonder. The third will have you on your knees. You start bleeding, I start screaming.” Lead singer Claudia Brücken heightens the slow pulverizing effect of government lies and media collusion made infamous by Hitler’s propaganda minister Josef Goebbels.

Enough of the dead, time to jail the living pedophiles

Pedophiles Jimmy Savile and his friend Liberal MP Cyril Smith have both been exposed as such after their deaths, putting them beyond justice. Several other celebrities have been arrested and charged with relatively minor offences, creating the illusion of “something being done,” while the living establishment pedophiles still go free.

Britain's libel laws make it difficult for establishment paedophiles to be accused as such, while they're still alive, unless the police act. In Savile's case he worked hand in glove with Leeds police. Left bleeding and screaming on the paedophile scandal's Whitehall marble floors lie the unavenged abused, battered and broken. Offered nothing by May so far this year, but another poison spoonful of saccharine.

The future for the campaign against this evil at the heart of state criminality in Britain is by no means certain. Will the London press be prepared to at last name the living establishment abusers? Will the police be prepared to pursue the evidence wherever it leads? Or will these blackmailed zombies continue oozing slime and further lies, leaving yet more blood and screams in their wake?
The power of truth in time though is relentless. When the police once more lose the files they might pop up, miraculously, on the internet for all the world to see. All the world must act on them, too, because the ultimate test in putting these vile state sanctioned abusers behind bars will be of a few good men and women. The police, politicians and journalists who take the bull by the horns and, despite the threats from unprincipled lawyers, nail and jail these vile creatures. Get them off the streets of London, once and for all.

Then our leaders, free from the foul air of paedophilia and blackmail, can resume the task of serving us, doing credit to the nation. Pick themselves up by their bootstraps and Britain can begin again a more honest and more confident stride into the 21st century.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Don't Expect To Live Much Longer.


More gems from the pen of America’s most outspoken political dissident, selected and arranged in a collage by Lasha Darkmoon

THE  COMING  DOOM (Click to expand)
(Click to expand)

Perhaps the Russian government thought that only Iraq, Libya, Syria, China, and Edward Snowden would be subjected to Washington’s lies and demonization.
It was obvious enough that Russia would be next.
It is hardly surprising that Washington now targets Russia.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Immigration,World Poverty and Gumballs


Dear Sir James
What can be done to help this family please? The young lady is being deprived of both her liberty and her family. In addition to depriving her of her liberty unjustly, this must be a violation of Article 8 of the European Human Rights Act, surely?

Monday 11 August 2014

Peoples Internet Radio . Vin with Guy Taylor & Ben Gilroy


What an interview two iconic figures that have moved mountains for others and have acted selflessly time and time again. It was my great pleasure to interview them both.
Guy Taylors Facebook
Ben Gilroys Facebook
Click image to Download audio
Vin -

Saturday 9 August 2014

Two vicious money-grabbing gangsters.

 And the Kray Twins


Pyramids of power being misused by the blind perversion of a dishonest monetary system.

We have a dishonest Monetary System at the root of all these things.  The pyramid of power being misused requires the banks to fund the Govt who fund the Judiciary and courts and State departments, who in turn fund themselves by predating on the vulnerable, under the guise of 'Public services'.

Friday 8 August 2014

America at the End of its Tether.

As the Empire of Evil collapses, the Mad Emperor and his psychopathic minions seem determined to set the world on fire.

An edited abridgement based on this outstanding article by James Petras, presented with pictures, captions, and extensive commentary by Lasha Darkmoon

“At the center of chaos, the wild-eyed President Obama strikes blindly, oblivious of the consequences. He is on the verge of a mental breakdown, suffering from political paranoia, war hysteria and megalomania. He’s gone amok . . .” — James Petras, here

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Eviction Resistance Meeting 5.8.14. with Tom Crawford part 1

More to follow.

Leon Brittan Videoed at Peado Orgy


UPDATED: June 22, 2014

Former Thatcher Home Secretary videoed at disgusting paedophile orgy

It is rumoured that former Home Secretary Leon Brittan has been questioned by the Metropolitan Police on suspicion of engaging in sex with children. He has not, however, been arrested.

Friday 1 August 2014

IMPORTANT Common Law Training Event With Karl Lentz

UnKommonlaw with Karl Lentz

All the way from the US by popular demand again 'Karl Lentz Unkommonlaw' seminar as part of another UK tour to help people understand Common law, courts and 'Queens Bench',

On the back of many successes over a year documented on UKColumn & talkshoe radio 'uncommonlaw' and websites, and also useful YouTube channel 'TrustInAllLaw'

2 seminars in the UK:

Friday 8 August 2014 North/East London

(£25 each or both events for & £40)
More details to follow, You can register your interest:


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