Saturday, 31 May 2014


Both the new president and prime minister of Ukraine have now been “outed” as Jews — and this in a country where most people, including the Right Sector fascists, happen to nourish a deep-seated hatred of Jews. This is surely a recipe for disaster. 


These four politicians have two things in Common: (1) They all wield tremendous influence in the new Jew-controlled Ukraine. (2) They are ALL Jews. Far right, Ukraine’s new Prime Minister, Arsiniy Yatsenuk, a Jew (see below); next to him, American Secretary of State John Kerry, who recently discovered his “Jewish roots“; left of Kerry, Ukraine’s recently elected President, Petro Poroshenko, another Jew (see below); far left, Vitali Klitschko, Jewish boxer politician whose father served in the Bolshevik “Red” army.  

The recent shock revelation that Ukraine’s new president, Petro Poroshenko, is Jewish, as is the country’s coup-installed Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenuk, has come as a stunning body blow to many Ukrainians. This is because Ukraine happens to be one of the most anti-Semitic nations on earth, and not without good reason.
In parts of Ukraine, Russia and Poland where the Jewish moneylender had long been an unmitigated scourge, peasants would often do the sign of the cross over themselves when they saw a party of Jews passing by. The Jew became shorthand for the Devil. In parts of Rumania, especially in Transylvania and the Carpathian mountains, it was the vampire that came to symbolize the predatory, bloodsucking Jew.
For centuries, Ukraine has had a Jewish problem as acute, if not more acute, than most of the other European nations around it. This is partly due to the presence in Ukraine of a large number of Jews who were seen as ruthless exploiters of the peasantry. (See “The Jew and the Peasant”, here).
Anti-Semitism in Ukraine reached its dizzy peak, however, in the 1930s and can be summed up in one word: Holodomor.
Holodomor, the Ukrainian word for “famine genocide”, was the man-made famine that killed 7-10 million people in Ukraine in 1932-1933. This was a genocidal program of monstrous cruelty carried out at the behest of Stalin’s Jewish Bolshevik regime. The Ukrainians remember only too well that it was Jewish commissars, in particular the Jewish mass murderer Lazar Kaganovich, who stood by and watched gloatingly as the Ukrainians starved to death.
Kaganovich, Stalin’s closest Jewish friend, set out to destroy family farms through starvation in pursuit of the Communist policy of “collectivization”, whereby peasants were made landless and then forced to work for the state as virtual slaves.
Kaganovich was aided and abetted in this by another Jew, Gengrich Yagoda, founder of the NKVD or Soviet secret police who also happened, incidentally, to be a lingerie pervert. Yuri Slezkine, in The Jewish Century, notes: “The secret police was one of the most Jewish of all Soviet institutions” (p.254).  Arno J. Mayer, in Why Did the Heavens Not Darken, adds: “As of the late twenties, a disproportionate number of Jews came to hold high posts in the secret police and to serve as political commissars in the armed services. They were appointed to high-level and conspicuous positions” (p.60).
Mayer, a professor emeritus of history at Princeton, is himself Jewish — as is Slezkine.
Another Bolshevik, Nikolai Yezhov, identified by Bro Nathaneal Kapner as Jewish (here), was probably not Jewish but had married a Jewish wife and was always surrounded by Jews, as the thoroughly Jewified Stalin himself tended to be. Lazar Kaganovich was his patron. Yezhov, a repulsive bisexual midget (151 centimeters tall) known as “the Dwarf”, also played a major part in the mass starvation of Ukrainain peasants — while he was not organizing “farting competitions” for trouserless commissars which involved the use of cigarette ash. (See here, p. 174)
Apart from Kaganovich, there were other Jews who contributed to the massacre of Christians in Ukraine and the Soviet Union under the cruelest circumstances: Ilya Ehrenburg, Natalfy Frenkel, Mathias Berman, Genrikh Yagoda (the lingerie fetishist mentioned above), and, last but not least, Lavrenti Beria — rumored to be a “secret Jew.” (See Simon Sebag Montfiore, Stalin, The Court of the Red Tsar, p. 560)  Beria was not only a mass murderer of peasants, but also a bloodthirsty sex maniac and pedophile who tortured and buried dozens of children in his basement — probably alive. (See here and here, pp. 516-519 ).
When absolute power meets absolute evil, then we have — what?
The reign of Satan.
Here are some Robert Conquest quotes from The Harvest of Sorrow (Oxford University Press, 1987). This is what Ukrainians had to go through at the hands of the Bolshevik regime. There are many Ukrainians alive today who are haunted by their memories of that time. They, too, are “Holocaust survivors”, but the people they hate are not Nazis but Jews:

“A quarter of the rural population, men, women and children, lay dead or dying in a great stretch of territory with some forty million inhabitants… like one vast Belsen…. The rest, in various stages of debilitation… had no strength to bury their families or neighbours…. [As at Belsen] well-fed squads of police or party officials supervised the victims.

A population of “walking corpses” … even ate horse-manure for the whole grains of seed it contained. … Cannibalism became so common-place that… local authorities issued hundreds of posters announcing that “EATING DEAD CHILDREN IS BARBARISM.”

They staggered into towns and collapsed in the squares…. Haunting the railway stations these “swollen human shadows, full of rubbish, alive with lice,” followed passengers with mute appeals…. [They] dragged themselves along, begging for bread or searching for scraps in garbage heaps, frozen and filthy. Each morning wagons rolled along the streets picking up the remains of the dead…. Some were picked up before they died and buried in pits so extensive that they resembled sand dunes and so shallow that bodies were dug up and devoured by wolves.”

See, Holocaust and Holodomor: ‘Origins of Anti-Semitism’, by Nicholas Lysson, “Role of Jews in the Ukrainian Framine.
While it is interesting to note that both Poroshenko and Yatsenuk have done their best, understandably, to hide their Jewish roots in Jew-hating Ukraine, it is even more interesting to see how their “secret” Jewish roots have been exposed by reputable Jewish sources including The Daily Forward and Israel’s Haaretz newspaper.
In a country that has suffered a genocidal man-made famine at the hands of Jewish Bolsheviks, where the word “Zhyd” (Jew) is the dirtiest word in the Ukrainian language, it comes as no surprise to learn that both Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk should try their best to hide their Jewish roots.
According to the Jewish Daily Forward article, Poroshenko’s spokeswoman asked Forbes Israel to remove her boss’s name from a list of the world’s richest Jews. (See here)
The same skullduggery applies to Ukraine’s Prime Minister, Arseniy Yetsenuk, affectionately known as “Yats” to his Jewish American patron and puppet mistress Victoria Nuland.
Apparently Yatsenyuk, who  tries to pretend he is pure Ukrainian, was “born in Chernivtsi in 1974 to Jewish-Ukraininan parents”, according to Oxford Analytica, an independent strategic consulting firm based at Oxford University that draws on a network of 1000 scholarly experts from around the world.
In October 2009, Israel’s Haaretz newspaper published an article urging Yatsenuk to come clean and proudly declare his Jewish heritage, instead of shamefully passing himself off as a gentile.  It describes efforts by Ukrainian Jewish leaders to get Yatsenyuk to out himself as a Jew:

“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad apparently is not Jewish, but there’s a chance the candidate for the presidency in Ukraine elections in January 2010, Arseny Petrovich Yatsenyuk, is a Jew after all,” the newspaper declared.

About three weeks ago Yuri Dubinsky, wearing a black skullcap, appeared on TV, introducing himself as the chairman of the Jewish community of Kharkov. Apparently this is a matter of controversy, but Dubinsky declared he was speaking not only in the name of all the Jews of Kharkov, and not just in the name of all the Jews of Ukraine, but for the entire Jewish people. He does not belong to any party, he said, but he will support Yatsenyuk because of his Jewish origin.

In the name of the Jewish people, he demanded the candidate not be ashamed and declare himself a proud Jew.

Not only is his mother a scion of the ancient family whose members “wrote the Talmud,” but his wife, Tereza, is the scion of the glorious Gur dynasty, which includes Israel’s foreign minister.

Followers of the Lubavitcher Rebbe also published a long letter condemning Yatsenyuk for denying his Jewishness.
It almost beggars belief to learn that Ukraine, a land of inveterate Jew haters fresh with their memories of the Holodomor genocide, should find itself saddled with a Jewish president as well as a Jewish prime minister. To rub salt into the wound, it is a Jew, Victoria Nuland, who helped to shoehorn Poroshenko and Yatsenuk into power with the help of $5 billion belonging to the American taxpayer.
The corporate vultures, many from America and the Nato countries, now gather round the corpse of Ukraine, ready to pick it dry. Privatization is again the name of the game. The Jewish oligarchs are limbering up to do a repeat performance of what their co-ethnics did to the Soviet Union in the time of Boris Yeltzin: to raid the till, to steal the family silver.
Both Poroshenko and Yatsenuk are only too eager to hand Ukraine over to the tender mercies of the IMF — to austerity, unemployment, and grinding poverty. The many will suffer, the few will thrive. And those who will do best out of this newest exercise in the plunder of a nation will be the Jews.
Ukraine might as well be renamed “Jewcraine”. It has now become Zionist America’s new Jewish colony.

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